How To Get Cinderella’s Guy
Have you ever seen that guy? That guy who, when you walk into a room, pulls your eyes to him like a magnet set on hyperdrive? God, you look at that guy and your eyes kind of cross because you’re like: Woah. Your face. So beautiful. Can’t. Look. Away.
Yeah, we’ve all seen that guy. And we’ve all reveled in the moment of possibility when he could totally be single, when he could totally be the one...
And then it happens. Then, inevitably, some skank flap walks up to him, wraps her slimy, stupid arm around his shoulder and pulls him into the crowd. She’s not even HOT! I mean, you are starting to see red, because if this girl
can get this guy
then you’re just like
Well, Faithful Reader, we are here to tell you how to get Cinderalla’s man.
The process is remarkably simple.
Step one: locate your target.
Step two: approach target.
Step three: mention how skanky she looks.
Step four: get someone else to agree.
Step five: watch him realize what a slut he’s with.
Step six: watch her run away, humiliated.
Step seven: grab his attention, and make a move.
Step eight: watch him melt like putty in your sweaty palms.
Step seven: celebrate your victory.
Step eight: watch him melt like putty in your sweaty palms.
Step seven: celebrate your victory.