When a Bitch is a Bitch Face
Kristen Stewart, classic bitch-face |
Way back in 2004, when we lived in a pre-post-racial society, I was first nicknamed 'bitch face.' Fast forward through some minor plastic surgery, to now today-world, the term has expanded to, 'bitchy resting face' and all of the sudden it's become science.
All misogyny aside, there are so many reasons to embrace your exterior bitch. While the insecure and uninitiated would see 'bitch' as some sort of insult, I see it as my amazon call, the black shoe polish under the linebacker's eyes, the junk yard dog in the junk yard.
If you look at the most powerful women in the world, sure they know how to smile, but they are also hard bitches through and through. A woman's expression is hers to distribute as she pleases, if she smiled all the time you'd think you were doing something right (you're actually fucking up) and self esteem would skyrocket (dangerously). Now, I get the urge to be universally liked--it's what drives politicians to lie and Gweneth Paltrow towards self-righteousness--but being disliked is always the likelier outcome of your efforts (Goopy, just stop, it's embarrassing).