Paying Men to Not Have Sex

3:35 PM Robot Love 0 Comments

Delicate Reader,

There is nothing like the morning after hangover where a city groans with the collective memory of one 3 am phone call looking for that special person, willing to deliver a little bag of drugs, in the middle of a blizzard—because, the snow reminded you of cocaine and then continued to do so all night long.     
This dog knows what
I'm talking about!
At your-cuddle-service.
Needless to say, that special person always exists, even on a night declared code blue.  In the morning, we remembered the night fondly but felt lonely, broken, and ready to pull an Anna Karenina in the 3rd avenue L stop.  We know what could have made the night better, the tears in the morning more satisfying, and the bed warm.            
We’re not looking for a relationship, or a one-night stand, we’re looking for a guy who will pull serious boyfriend duties and expect nothing but cash in return.  This may sound simple but the cold glaring truth is: you just can’t easily find a man to cuddle for hire.   Delicate reader, let’s wake up from our post-indulgent aches with two borrowed arms holding our shaking bodies; let’s start a cuddle service. Make sure to check back on progress regarding this very unique business opportunity.  Let our will be done.